At Asica we go one step ahead of the sustainability standards for our customers, not just for certification purposes but also as part of our company DNA. If the certifications on the side do not meet the requirements of your market, let us know, and our team can discuss with you the implementation of exactly what you need.
At Asica, we have established water efficiency plans in order to optimize the use of our most precious resource: water. We self-source our water from natural occurring aquifers under our plantation and then filter the water to be used on our trees. This way we have a sustainable source of water, and do not interfere with the water supply of the adjacent communities.
We encourage transparency in our operations and for that reason starting 2023 we will implement a “field day” twice a year. This is mainly geared towards direct consumers and non-industry organizations that would like to visit us and see how we operate.
The tour will be at our plantation in Olmos, Lambayeque, Peru.
For more information regarding this outreach program, please contact us with a short description of the motivation of your visit, age, and nationality.
We kindly ask you to write in the email subject: “Field Day Visit.”
Please note that field days are in week 16 and week 45.
When it comes to food safety we go above and beyond to not just meet the market requirements, but to exactly meet each customer’s individual needs and their retail standards.
In addition to the certifications we have implemented, we take extra steps and have internal working procedures to ensure at all times the product being delivered meets or exceeds our customer requirements at all times during all weeks of our season. No exceptions.